Small Business App Only Equipment Leasing and Business Loans

Application ONLY – NO Financial Statements Required

App Only Equipment Leasing from $100k to $250k – That’s Right- If you are financing new or used equipment under $250,000, we can do it fast and without any hassle. Our Equipment Leases Express App Only program is one of our most popular and gives any small to medium business the flexibility to access the capital they need. Whether its financing new or used equipment to grow the business, increase production, expand operations, or replace aging equipment. If you have negotiated your best price with a seller then we can help get them paid quickly so you can take delivery of your new mill, CNC machine, packaging system or renewable energy system right away.

App Only Equipment


App Equipment

Basic Questions and Requirements for the Express Program

Types of Equipment I can lease? – Pretty much any piece of equipment or machinery we are able to lease whether it is new or used. We will of course want to see an appraisal to verify the quality of the equipment being leased for any used piece of equipment.

What is the most I can borrow? – Our application only program is available for all equipment purchases between $100,000 – $250,000. If you need less than $100k then we refer you to a small lender or most of our clients buy more equipment to hit the minimum $100k threshold..

What kind of credit qualifications are there? If the owner(s) have a personal FICO score above 680 without any judgements, liens, or bankruptcies then you good to go.

Any other paperwork needed? We only need 3 things 1- signed application 2- Credit score above 680 and 3- 3 months of bank statements showing an average balance of $10k. That’s it!

Any restrictions on equipment?  – NO

If I paid a deposit already can I be reimbursed? Sure we can fund 100% of the equipment cost and reimburse the owner for any deposits or down payment made on the purchase. We are also able to fund installation costs, shipping costs and in some cases training costs associated with the new addition to the company.

How long will you finance for? – Our typical lease terms are between 36-60 months with ownership of the equipment following the term in a capital lease or lower payments with an operating lease.

What if I have a partner? Any owner that controls a  30% or more interest in the business would need to sign on the lease as well.

Why Application Only Makes Sense in Some Situations

If you own and operate a small business and have survived the last 18-months in the middle of a pandemic then pat yourself on the back, for you certainly deserve it. Never has there been a time when owning a company come with so many unknowns, government restrictions, CDC interference and the general fear of the unknown from a virus that has impacted us all.

Fortunately, if you are still in business and shopping for new or used equipment you have adjusted to the new norm ad you are either expanding your operations or your existing equipment needs to be replaced. Either reason is positive and shows your determination to succeed and thrive. We are always wanting to help small business thrive and have millions in capital to assist them in that process.

Most small businesses have a part time accountant or they rely on QuickBooks or some other software application, which basically means there is a possibility that their financial presentation is not quite complete. The Equipment Leases Express app only program makes it possible based on the owner’s personal credit strength to obtain big league financing for business expansion and equipment needs. Simple 1-page application, a few bank statements and a FICO score above 680 is the beginning of a rapid approval and funding.

If your FICO score is below 680 then we may still be able to help- just contact us and let’s discuss your situation and let our leasing experts go to work for you and find the financing needed.